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Hotel Roland & Coffee Shop
Elevator Service
Bristow, Okla. – Phone EM 7-3337
A modern fireproof hotel conveniently located on
Turner Turnpike and Highway 66 between Oklahoma
City and Tulsa, Okla. 66 Rooms – Steam Heat and

Glo-Var Finish by Aurora Postcard Company - Aurora, Missouri

1957 Plymouth Plaza

Roland Hotel (1923) was built by A.A. Rollestone and C.L. Freeland,
two pioneer oilmen. This hotel building was the home of radio station KFRU,
which later became KVOO, founded by Edwin H. Rollestone. In 1927
passenger elevators were installed. At one time, Gene Autry broadcast a
radio show from this building.

Now is The Roland Building
119 West 6th Avenue
Bristow, OK 74010-2801
(918) 367-9341,
which amongst others houses the Corp Commission

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