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IN.53-Fire Tower
Brown County State Park
Nashville, Indiana
Since 1929, when the park was established,
it has rapidly grown to be one of the most
popular parks in Indiana. The many recrea-
tional features of this beautiful park of more
then 15,000 acres are enjoyed by young and old.

Curteichcolor 3-D Natural Color Reporduction (Reg. U. S. A. Pat. Off.)
Distributed by Reavis, Indianapolis, Indiana

1957 DeSoto Firesweep Sportsman

The fire tower, near the park office, was primarily used to spot forest fires.
With an elevation of 1058 feet it offers a spectacular view of the park
for those who venture up its steep steps to reach the top of the tower.
It was built in the 1930's on the highest ridge in southern Indiana
and now serves as a radio communications and public observation tower.

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